Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Don't Worry, She's Only Commercially Pretty...

All hell broke loose yesterday during my second, boring, unpaid internship. Not only do I happen to be dating the finest young soon-to-be Esq. from a certain law school, but maybe, just maybe the most fucking beautiful girl in America, Holland, and Sweden combined will be attending said law school next year. Thank you Facebook.

Homeboy ("Forest," from earlier post), is predictably the best looking kid at the law school in question. Naturally, good looking people, from my observation, tend to go with style instead of substance. The evidence at hand yields two possible deductions: A. Forest and Barbie meet, date, and marry; only to become the most successful, beautiful couple in the history of the world. B. They don't meet because they're so busy and I continue to treat Forest like shit because as we all know, it's all about games.

Games-ladies and gentlemen-are the fucking key to successful ass. Romance, don't fucking as me; ass, yes.

L's quote in response to my situation and some intensive facebook stalking:
"Girl wore tights to graduation. In May. In Dallas. She's nuts. And plus she is commercially pretty. That's boring outside of a Playboy centerfold."

Regardless.....FML. Back to this bottle of Oakleaf, $3, Wal-mart Cab Sav.

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